Thank You

Feeding the indigent children among us is a task that must be done. Everybody is somebody 

What We Do

Alice Jegede Feed My Children Foundation upholds and propagate the historical obligation of all persons to nurture the upcoming generation. Recognize the prime place of food and nourishment for survival, particularly of children. Imbue in as many persons as possible, the spirit of love, care and a sense of social responsibility, particularly for children. Bring to the fore, the intricate linkage between the welfare of newly delivered indigent mothers and the wellbeing of their infants and address same; Provide temporary housing for abused or displaced newly delivered mothers and infants.  Make a difference, no matter how small or limited.  Popularize the principle that with collective care, concern and love, the scourge of hunger, nakedness and homelessness can be tackled and abolished in society.


NIGRERIAN MOTHER AND INFANT? Please read the story – A little boy walks along the beach and sees thousands of starfish washed up by a storm. He throws them back into the ocean to save them from dying in the sun. An old man approaches the little boy and asks why he’s wasting his time, since there are so many starfish and he can’t save them all. The boy picks up another starfish and throws it back into the ocean, saying to the old man, “I made a difference for that one!”. The lesson?  The story illustrates that even small actions can make a difference, and that the little things we do can add up to big things. Your donation gives dignity to an infant mother and saves her new born infant from malnutrition and death by starvation.  Choose to give a one-time or recurring gift—your contribution, no matter the size, makes a difference!

Help make a change - Donate in Naira today

Bank : Ecobank
Account Number : 2900091824

Dr. Philip Jegede

Chairman of the Board of Trustees

Confidence Esangbedo

Executive Director

Tell: 09064817550, 08164312039

Nelson Mandela
“Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice”. 
Muhammad Ali
“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth”.
Mother Teresa
“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier”.